Sunday, July 22, 2012

Helloo!! week 4 is now over...another long hard week!
This week I was measured and weighted by my coach and i was very disappointed with my self because my numbers weren't at what i wanted to see. I gained weight:-/
Thanks to my coach (ms Jackay) I've been working on what seems to be my problem, nutrition.
I workout but if i don't refuel my body as needed i wont see the results i want.
My goal for next week is to keep working on my nutrition. Eating more small meals through out the day is a must if want to the numbers to go down. My other goal is to workout a bit more. Instead of 4-5 times a week push my self to workout all 7 days.  The one good thing is that i have been able to see a difference in my body. My legs are more tone so are my arms and my core feels stronger.


  1. U go girl! U got that determination! :) just don't over work your is important for muscle recovery :)

  2. I'm so proud of you. Don't let this one bump in the road take your eyes of your main goal. Nutrition is def a work in progress and I know you can get there. Like I told you before, I love how much wnrgy you put into working out, leta put that same energy into figuring out the nutrition piece. It will take some playing around to find out what's right for you but I already see a difference in what your eating. I also love that you want to push yourself more in working out. I love that drive!!! However, you do need to let your body rest at least one day our of the week. You could even work out six days if you want, bit you need at least one day to let your body rest. If you don't let it rest, you could be doing new damage like slowing down repair of muscles, elongating recovery time, and setting yourself up for injuries. Let's make it happen Susan....I know you can do this!!!

  3. Really proud of you and your mom for working out while on vacation, that's really tough. Nutrition I believe is the hardest part of this journey and now that you have the working out part nailed, you can focus on making smarter/better choices and I have no doubt you'll succeed!
