Sunday, July 22, 2012

Helloo!! week 4 is now over...another long hard week!
This week I was measured and weighted by my coach and i was very disappointed with my self because my numbers weren't at what i wanted to see. I gained weight:-/
Thanks to my coach (ms Jackay) I've been working on what seems to be my problem, nutrition.
I workout but if i don't refuel my body as needed i wont see the results i want.
My goal for next week is to keep working on my nutrition. Eating more small meals through out the day is a must if want to the numbers to go down. My other goal is to workout a bit more. Instead of 4-5 times a week push my self to workout all 7 days.  The one good thing is that i have been able to see a difference in my body. My legs are more tone so are my arms and my core feels stronger.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

After a 6 mile run with my mom at the beach

Week #2 was a bit rough for me...Unfortunately I did not work out as much as i would have like.
I did try eating healthy, shakeology in the morning and fruits and nuts as snacks.  I will definitely make up for it this week while on vacation! Yes, i know what u're thinking how can u make it up during vacation? When i'm on vacation i workout more than i do on a normal week for some reason... 

Monday, July 2, 2012

Class tonight made me SWEAT! It was intense...there was a point when I wanted to give up because I was soo tired, my muscles were aching and my body just want to stop. I'm proud to say that I really push myself tonight, I have no idea where the energy came from but i did it. One day down six more to go!